Activities 2023

The working groups have submitted plans for the activities of the neighborhood association in the year 2023 and the board has applied for a subsidy.
Since some working groups have stopped organizing activities, the board has examined whether these activities can still take place in 2023.

We think it is very important that the children’s carnival is organized again. Due to the lockdowns and strict rules regarding visitor numbers and social distancing, it was impossible to organize this festivity during the Corona pandemic. Fortunately, a new working group has been set up that wants to tackle this. Taking into account any restrictions, there will be another big carnival party in February.

Lightning run
What also didn’t take place is the Blixemloop, the evening4daagse through Blixembosch. The organization has noticed that there is little interest in this event. The number of registrations was so low that the last 2 rounds have been cancelled. The question then is whether an evening4daagse in our neighborhood still has a future. The working group for this activity has therefore stopped. The board has therefore decided not to organize the Blixemloop next year.

Due to the Corona vicissitudes, the Blixemcup football tournament has also been canceled in recent years. It was possible again in 2022, but it could not continue due to insufficient volunteers. Because the working group has fallen apart, we have looked for a different interpretation of this event. It has been decided to join the municipality-wide football tournament organized by Dynamo Youth Work and PSV Foundation. Here, the pupils of groups 5 to 8 of primary schools can participate in the preliminary round in Woensel Noord in the month of May. The winners of all preliminaries will advance to the final to be held in early June.

We wish all residents of Blixembosch happy holidays and a prosperous 2023!

The board