Wat is buurtpreventie ?
Despite the continuous effort of police, the number of break-ins, thefts, and destructions still rises. This results in enormous damage to personal items and annoyance, concern, and sometimes even fear.
The goal of the neighborhood watch is for residents and the police could work together to prevent thieves, burglars, and destroyers from striking. You can do this by paying extra attention and being more involved in your street, flat, or neighborhood. Your and others' experiences can help the police and residents be up-to-date on the neighborhood's developments. This way, you get the possibility to take precautionary measures while the police handle it into account in their daily work.
A neighborhood watch is meant for neighborhoods where criminality problems arise frequently or in specific periods, such as winters and holidays. A big part of the residents must be willing to do something about it with the police. Otherwise, the neighborhood watch cannot start/continue to exist. A neighborhood watch does not cost much in terms of time and effort, but it can result in a nicer, safer, and quieter neighborhood.
A neighborhood watch: Do you participate?
You might have seen them around; the volunteers of the neighborhood watch with their yellow jackets on. These are just residents who might be your neighbors, and they are the eyes and ears of the police and city surveillance and contribute to the safety and livability of the neighborhood. These contributions are the most important motivation for residents to participate in a neighborhood watch. The watch walks around in groups of at least two people through the area.
Neighborhood watch is active in about 50 neighborhoods in Eindhoven. More than 1,500 volunteers are involved. They walk through the neighborhood for about an hour in groups of at least 2 people on varying days and times. They identify and report issues related to cleanliness, integrity and safety and pass them on to the municipality and the police. Reports will be handled as quickly as possible. Neighborhood watch has a visible effect in the neighborhoods where it is active.
Due to the effort of the watch, the number of break-ins and nuisance decreased drastically in the last few years. Because the neighborhood is still growing, we are looking for more neighborhood watchers. They can start their rounds after following the training given and sponsored by the municipality of Eindhoven.
Advantages of the neighborhood watch are:
- You are helping to make the neighborhood safer
- You get to know people
- You get to know the neighborhood
- You can enjoy the outdoors
If you are interested in joining our team, you can send a message via the contact page
What is the neighborhood watch not?
Neighborhood prevention therefore has everything to do with keeping your eyes and ears open for your own interest and that of your immediate environment. Keep in mind that the purpose is not control or intrude on the private life of others. It is therefore not the intention to organize civilian patrols.
Numbers of the Blixembosch and Castilielaan neighborhoods
Cijfers Politie 26-11-2023 tot 19-03-2024
What does a neighborhood watch team??
The neighborhood watch team's task is to be actively involved, inform, motivate and mobilize residents.
- Being involved with the neighborhood to increase solidarity.
- Informing about neighborhood prevention matters, neighborhood safety and prevention and what local residents can do themselves to prevent burglary, theft, nuisance and vandalism (such as: do not leave any items visible in the car, do not leave the radio/front in the car or open the window leave);
- To motivate to actively look around to see what happens on the street (starting point is that residents know best what is right in the neighborhood and what is not).
- To mobilize residents to report events to the police and/or to the municipality (14-040) and alarm the police when something suspicious happens. Making a digital declaration is essential, and when it is not reported, it cannot be solved.
Where does the neighborhood watch make its rounds??
The coordinators of Neighborhood Prevention Blixembosch work with a schedule that coordinates who makes their rounds in which area, so that ultimately our neighborhood is covered in all streets on several days and times a week by a group of alert and active volunteers.
Talk about it.
The watch should be interesting and ask the effort of as many residents as possible. Talk about it with your neighbors, friends who live in your street or surroundings about how they think about it and if they are interested in participating in our watch.
Would you like to contribute to a safer neighbourhood? Then you can register here or request information.mailto:aanmelden.buurtpreventie@blixembosch.com