Ter Land, Ter Sea and in the Air is looking for volunteers
On August 16, 17 and 18 we will celebrate our 31st Family Spectacle in Blixembosch in the Aanschotpark. We have talked about this before on the socials and here in the Blixemflitsen. As an organization, we are really looking forward to the three-day festival in which all of Blixembosch will come together again. Dancing, Quizzes, Hexathlons, Blixemfast running, Selling toys, Baking cupcakes, Rodeo bull riding, Eating pancakes, Pony riding, … too many to mention here in one line. Check our website for a detailed program.
You will understand that we cannot simply offer this extensive program. For this we need enthusiastic Blixemboschers to help as volunteers during the weekend. Any help is included, carrying around during set-up or decorating, ticket sales, catering, hexathlon game supervisor, general service, … we have named and explained all activities on our website. On the registration form you can easily indicate when you can help and which activity you prefer. After your registration, we will put the puzzle together and come back to you with the layout per day/activity.
Join! And also become a member of the enthusiastic Family Spectacle club. We have been able to organize this unique party for Blixembosch for 30 years with the efforts of the Blixemboschers themselves. Register and immediately ask your neighbor/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, father/mother if they are also participating. The more the merrier.
More information · Website https://www.familiespektakel.nl/ · Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FamiliespektakelBlixembosch · Instagram https://www.instagram.com/familiespektakel · TikTok https://www.tiktok. com/@familiespektakel · YouTube youtube.com/@familiespektakel · Or contact us atfamiliespektakelblixembosch@gmail.com
QR code to register as a volunteer: