06 Viering 80 jaar bevrijding in Blixembosch.

Eindhoven is celebrating the liberation on September 18, now 80 years ago. The setup with the traditional parade will change: less formal, more narrative, more in the neighborhoods. This does not only apply to the parade, but to the entire liberation year. In the coming year, other activities will be rolled out in the context of 80 years of liberation from Eindhoven. The parade is the impetus for a structural change, in which our city, the neighborhoods and their inhabitants are even more involved in the celebration of freedom, but also in the dialogue about what freedom means concrete for everyone who wants to live in our city.

The celebration also takes place in the 6 city parts. For Woensel Noord this is the Overtureplein location in Blixembosch. From the commemoration on Stadhuisplein, the Freedom Further firing with vehicles from Wheels will be forwarded to the neighborhoods. A structure will be installed on Ouvertureplein, on which the fire is lit. In addition to the inflammation of the freedom fire, this evening will be dominated by music, singing and dance. There are also snacks and drinks available.

The event starts at 6 p.m. and lasts until around 10 p.m. Elsewhere in this issue of Blixemflitsen you will find more information about this evening.

The board.