Crowdfunding for 2 AED devices

Logo Hart voor Blixembosch

For 2 AED devices in Blixembosch outside, money is still needed. We are completely dependent on donations for this.

EverCare Mortgages and Insurance in Eindhoven supports this crowdfunding campaign through the program “Samen voor de Buurt” that is sponsored by the RegioBank to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood.

The crowdfunding campaign lasts until 2 October and we are counting on a great involvement of the residents of Blixembosch to keep the entire district heartfight.

A number of rewards for donations have been made available by Studio Dynamis (free Personal Training), Cafetaria Blixembosch (vouchers) and 2 involved CPR instructors (free resuscitation lessons) who let their hearts speak for Blixembosch. We have also received great articles from SGS bicycles, Trekpleister, Albert Heijn and Haarmode Rob Harmte Hardt fine articles with which packages have been put together to hand out as a reward for a donation.

You can make a donation via the QR code below!

Hart voor Blixembosch working group is part of the neighborhood association and ensures the heart -safe keeping the neighborhood. This means that with a call for a cardiac arrest, help can be provided within 6 minutes. The working group also ensures that there is a attention to the subject of resuscitation and works together with the local first aid association to train civilian care providers so that sufficient help can be offered in a report.

Hart for Blixembosch working group
