The robin on summer holidays (source Bird Protection Netherlands) part 2

Stayers and non-residents.
In our regions, the robin is partially migratory bird. About half of our Red breasts, especially females and boy, pulls away to hibernate in warmer regions. In turn, they will have to get an area for themselves again
France, Spain, Portugal or in the northwest of Africa. In the southern countries With a mild winter climate, the robin is completely stain bird. The need to leave Pulling is absent there.
In the colder northern countries, on the other hand, the robin is completely migratory bird. Part of these Noordelingen overwinter with us and here must be our own “winter palace” to transport. A robin in our “winter garden” can therefore be the trusted breeding bird of it Being past season, but just as well a Norman or a Finnish lady. Other northern Red breasts continue through our country and overwinter further south.
All in all, millions of red breasts were moving over Europe in the spring and autumn, in short
Or longer distance. In general, the males pull the least far. For them it is to stay as close as possible to their breeding area, to be the first to be there in the spring arrive. Robins are place of place and there is a chance that the same partners of it Previous year find each other again in a new breeding season.
The ideal robin garden
Red breasts may be combative, they are not at all an easy life. The Birds that withdrawing experience a journey full of dangers, the stayers need food scarcity and Cold to survive. Rucks are not really old, although there are remarkable exceptions. For example, the oldest known robin reached in the United Kingdom, where He is cherished as a national bird, an age of 8 years and 3 months. In Germany
There is even one with 13 years and 3 months in the books. On average, however, 5 is Years of a whole age for the robin, one of the most beautiful singers in our garden.
Enough reasons to cherish the robin. For example with a varied and insect -rich garden full of native flowers, plants and (evergreen) bushes, one messy corner with a pile of branches, a hedge of bes-bearing bushes and a pond With a silly bank. In such a domain, the robin soon feels at home. On the menu list
are mainly small insects, spiders, centipedes and worms. If the insect offer From the late summer, they replenish it with berries, fruits and small (grass) seeds.

The robin can be easily approachable in a familiar garden. Sometimes also his red breasts A bit shy. When hungry and cold, even the somewhat shy robin crawls out scoop. Just pay attention. You hoe in the garden or rake the leaves and see: two Git -black bead eyes look at you begging. The robin has long since had that All kinds of tasty soil animals appear with that garden work. You have to get rid of it Stone are not to melt at such a scene. Treat the robin during Barre winter days with dried mealworms or some universal feed, preferably under a bush offered. The friendship is then definitely a fact.
But pay attention with feeding birds, because food that remains on the ground is one Easy meal for rats. It is better to have leaves on the ground in the garden lie. This is where the soil animals are again and know for sure that robins and Merels also come in this for a meal of these animals.

Enjoy a cozy roaming robin in the garden this fall
Working Group Green Play and the Environment.