Start the New Year Right with Jong Nederland de Fakkel
The new year is the perfect time to join the leisure groups at Jong Nederland de Fakkel. In 2025, we are going to make it another exciting year full of activities! We have a spring weekend, a fall weekend, a summer camp in Asten, a carnival celebration, and a Halloween party, among other things. Additionally, our age groups organize fun and active group meetings every week in our building: the Philipshuis on Fakkellaan.
JN de Fakkel is a long-established youth association: founded in 1956, we will celebrate our 70th anniversary in 2026 with even more fantastic festivities. You don’t want to miss that! Within Jong Nederland, we work with age groups. These age groups change annually, and for the exact details, you can visit our website.
Each age group holds weekly group meetings with a varied program tailored to the children’s age.
The association is run by a large group of 46 enthusiastic volunteers who are happy to spend their time at the most fun youth association. All of our volunteers have a recent certificate of good conduct (VOG).
As an association, we are always looking for people who can contribute to our mission: organizing fun and adventurous activities for our members.
For more information, visit our website at, or send an email to